A Form of Gratitude for the Mercy of God Through West JavaNese Traditional Ceremonies : CODASHOP

A Row of West Javanes Traditional Ceremonies, From Religion to Birth

West Java is an area that stores indigenous wealth. One of them is  the traditional javanez ceremony. Traditional ceremonies owned by the province are very diverse. Start in religion, agriculture, birth and others. This cultural heritage continues to be maintained by the community till now.

As a resident of West Java, it is an obligation to participate in preserving traditional rituals. However, for those in other provinces, learning cultural heritage in West Java is a form of love for the country.  The cultural heritage can also be used as an educational tourism destination.

Cultural tourism can not only educate the artices of Indonesia, but also be able to attract foreign tourists. Through tourism, culture can be introduced to everyone in the world. The traditional ceremony  is expected to be known  to the wider community for its sustainability holds.

West Javanese Tradisyonèl Seremoni Bertema Agamagi

Number one traditional ceremony  containing religious elements is the porridge.   Grandson of prophet Muhammad SAW died in a way in Karbala.

Residents place  the traditional Ceremony of West Javanese and religious nuances are  the Clacap  community.  The slave  tradition  is often associated with one of the Prophets, or Noah. In addition, it is also associated with  Nyai PohaciSalonghyang Sri who is the richest in fertility in Javanese beliefs.

The tradition is being held outside  the  home of one of the longtime residents regarded as capable ofthe skinny Englishnya. Pelaksana anya can also be blockaded on the edge of the river, garden or  certain places wanted by residents.  These activities havemany complete such as offerings, art, sacred objects of porridge making tools.

The next religious ceremony javanez  Brat traditional ritual is the   heritage of ngalungsur.  The religious ceremony is led by  a juru more  commonly called racing. In this tradition, the inherited objects of  Sunan Rohmat Suci were also presented. The object continues to be maintained by  local residents.

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In series of ritual processes, participants can see the processing of immersed heroom objects   . Participants can recognize anything with what Sunan’s legacy of Rohmat Suci looks like in their area. These heritage objects are a symbol of the struggle of Sunan Rohmat Kudus when the spread of Islam.

Pilgrimage to the chapel of West JavaNese Traditional Ceremonies

The first traditional pilgrimage-shaped ceremony is wekasan reboot.   The pilgrimage was generally organized by residents of River Drajat, Cirebon. The activity form is to visit the tomb of Sunan Kalijaga. The time of its implementation is Wednesday precisely the last week of the month in Shafar according to the Jewish calendar.

Wednesday’s elections in the last week in Shafar have a certain meaning. His selection was based onthe assumption that this time was the best day to eliminate reinforcement and woe.   Bdays that also accompany wekasan reboot are the row competition. Generally, the competition will be held after the traditional ceremony ends.

The next pilgrimage to the javanese B traditional ceremony is ngunjung or munjung. The name of this tradition is the origin of the kunjung mo, which is  to perform pilgrimages and prayers to ancestors’ places.   The tradition  symbolizes residents’ recognition  for the favor that has been received so far.

Residents of Endramayu, Cirebon and its surroundings generally keep these traditions in the graves of their ancestors and religious figures respected or regarded as sacred. The purpose of the tradition, of course, is to require the salvation of life.   The tradition of recognition is generally held after the rice harvest.

In this tradition, it’s accompanied by ways to performance kulit and play as a typical regional art. In addition, the community also features  a variety of special gastroenteritis    such as tumor rice and other traditional gastrointestinal types as recommended.

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A Form of Gratitude for the Mercy of God Through West JavaNese Traditional Ceremonies

Besides the religious theme, there are also various traditional ceremonies held as a form of recognition for the abundance of God’s favor in making a living in nature. There are various community businesses in Houston living in nature, from agriculture to going to sea.  The community then makes a tradition in order to thank nature.

The first traditional ceremony of the term  is a sea party.   The location  of the application  of the tradition  is in Pangandaran Ciamis and Pelabuhan Ratu, Sukabumi. In addition, it is carried out in various coastal areas of West Java. In his mopasana, Fisherman Fish bear offerings of perahuwere  already beautiful with various decorations.

One  of the offerings in  the tradition is a buffalo head wrapped in white fabric. These offerings were colored in the sea as a symbol of offerings to the Guardians of the Sea and reject their armies.   This tradition fetchak years as a form  of recognition and hope for safety when looking for food at sea.

The traditional javanez ceremony as a form of recognition for the creator’s favor  is ungalaksa. Different from the sea parts often held by fish fishermen, ngalaksa is organized by the growers.   This tradition is usually carried by residents in Kalong Ranca area, Sumedang.

The process of applying ngalaksa is  to transport rice to the gran using rengong (long bamboo and hole is generally used to bring rice). The event is in June. An interesting point in  the  tradition is the sound of rengong music being rocked when walking.

Galaxies have the meaning of residents’ syuku expressions forthe success of the  harvest when farming.    Society has never forgotten the role God plays in life’s success.

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Aceremony date West Java wedding Tradition until pregnancy

West Java has many traditional rituals. Indeed, in marriage there are no just 1 ceremony.   Among the wedding ceremonies is neunde. The tradition is a visit by a male parent to a female parent in order to have a friendship and convey the intention to apply.

Afterwards, ngalamar is carried out, which is a tradition in the form of visiting male parents in order to ask the woman. In the tradition they designed wedding plans to the bride and groom. Then a ceremony was carried out, namely the process of sending the bridegroom – to be married.

After a wife experienced a pregnancy period, a tingkepan did.  The tradition was made after the wife was pregnant with her child for 7 months. Tingkepan’s origin in tingkep words has a close meaning. The point is that the future mother is banned from mingling with her husband  within  40 days of giving birth.

Traditional javanez ceremonies are  often filled with restoration and bathing pregnant mothers. In this tradition, they are also presented, namely rojak including 7 types or types. The mother became immersed by 7 of the family members most closely by splashing seven types of  flower  water  .

On the 7th floor, an earring is placed until it touches the mother’s  womb.   In addition, it is also maintaining the mother’s health by reducing portions of work because of the pregnancy period.

West Java has a variety of  traditions that continue to be maintained and maintained by the local community. Almost all aspects of life commemorate and tradition, from marriage, pregnancy, to efforts to make a pilgrimage in honor of ancestors.  The porridge, wekasan reboot and sea feast are some examples of yourcustom West Javanese paracara.

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